Now as I have stated in an earlier post, I am no way a NBA expert. I haven't been into basketball since the last time the Knicks made it to the Finals and lost to the Spurs (fuck I'm old). I'm still debating with Da Man as to whether or not the Oklahoma Thunder actually exist. In any case no one has addressed the giant Asian elephant in the room so I guess it falls on me.
My ex-coworker Warren
After the Knicks won their third straight game in a row and Linsanity exploded I wasn't impressed. I said to Da Man.... "What's all the hype about? They've only won 3 games!!! This is all hype cause he's Asian." Mind you this was after their third win so its way before the Mayweather tweet. But after Lin's "Eli Manning" type heroics last night I have to say I am a believer. I'm going to start watching basketball again and its all because of Jeremy Lin. Some will say that's "fair weather" fandom. I disagree. I dont think the Knicks are going to win the NBA title. And I know for a fact this hot run they're on won't last. But Jeremy Lin has made the Knicks "Linspectable" again. Not only is NY watching but so is the rest of the county. Didn't the Giants just win the Super Bowl just 10 days ago? In NY sports days that might as well been 5 years ago. The Knicks and Lin are the latest media sports sensation and rightly so.
I mentioned the Floyd Mayweather tweet (Click here for more on that). Now 3 games ago I would have agreed with Money. But now he gets a KAMAN!!! The Lintention Lin is getting isn't "JUST" cause he's asian. Granted that is a factor but there is more to it than that. With 27 points Tuesday night, Lin now has scored 136 in his first five games as a starter. It's a record since the NBA-ABA merger, breaking Shaquille O'Neal's 129. No other player has done that, black, white, puerto rican or asian (Tribe plug). On top of that he has single handily turned the Knicks around while their "star" players were out.
Again I am no NBA expert but I can tell the difference between hype and truth. And in my Linpinion, this guy is the truth.
- J-Rod
*The J-Rod and Da Man show would like to apologize for J-Rod's annoying use of Lin nicknames.
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