
Fuck you, PAY ME!

Yea, I know. It's been all J-Rod all the time the last few weeks. Even with the 49ers a-whippin the G-Men last week and then that very same team losing to Philly last night. Without Vick. There's a ton of stuff to get into but I haven't had the time of late, please bare with me peoples...*

But here's a quick something for J-Rod just so he knows he made this bet:
(You know how old people get when then don't take there meds)

J-Rod: sorry

J-Rod: figured i'd apologize in advance for the L my team will be giving the 9ers next week
J-Rod: so sorry
J-Rod: LOL
Ron Automatic: no need to apologize
Ron Automatic: you said you were beating us way back in Week 1
Ron Automatic: hell, i think b4 the season
J-Rod: yes but that was before ur team become......
J-Rod: uhmmmmm
J-Rod: how can i say this delicately...
J-Rod: a real team?
Ron Automatic: a win against yall this weekend will put us 3-1 vs the NFC East.
J-Rod: my only concern is Al Gore. We stink at stopping the run
Ron Automatic: better than any team IN the NFC East vs ur own div
Ron Automatic: Al Gore?
Ron Automatic: FU
Ron Automatic: LOL
J-Rod: well unforunately thats not gonna happen
J-Rod: first the pats
J-Rod: then u guys
J-Rod: and we will be giving GB their only loss
J-Rod: this season
Ron Automatic: you might beat us
Ron Automatic: MIGHT
J-Rod: no we will
J-Rod: LOL
Ron Automatic: but "No chance, no chance in hell" you beat GB
J-Rod: dude
J-Rod: ur on crack
J-Rod: GB is dead
Ron Automatic: $50
Ron Automatic: you in?
J-Rod: sure..... yeah 
J-Rod: 50
Ron Automatic: LMAO
J-Rod: same amount thats missing
J-Rod: since week 1
J-Rod: LOL
Ron Automatic: LOL
Ron Automatic: i paid Will
Ron Automatic: ask him
J-Rod: liar

And there you have it folks. The bet between co-hosts. J-Rod has 50 on the Giants to beat GB.

*The time off for Thanksgiving "should" give me some time to catch up on all everything I (we) didn't report on.


1 comment:

  1. If Da Man had posted that entire convo you would have seen that I continued to make reference to the fact that DS had yet to receive his 50 bucks meaning and since said monies was not yet received there was no bet. As usual Da Man tries to take things completely out of context. Much like his Niners team his entire argument is FALSE.

